1872 | Settlement begins thanks to curé Antoine Labelle (parish priest) |
1879 | Founding of Paroisse Saint-Jovite (parish - in a religious sense) |
1881 31 janvier |
Founding of the Municipalité des Cantons Unis de Salaberry et Grandison - the municipality of the united townships of Salaberry and Grandison |
1892 décembre |
Arrival of the first P'tit Train du Nord ("little train of the north") locomotive at the Saint-Jovite railway station |
1904 | The P'tit Train du Nord railway extends as far as Lac Mercier |
1905 | The appearance of electricity thanks to installation of a small-scale hydroelectric centre on the banks of the Ruisseau Clair ("clear stream") and the Rivière du Diable ("devil's river"). It provides electricity for the homes inside an area bordered on the north side by the railway station, on the west by the Riviere du Diable, on the south by the Ruisseau Clair and on the east by the edge of the village. |
1906 | Founded by the Wheeler family, Gray Rocks Inn takes shape on the banks of Lac Ouimet. |
1912 | A new small-scale hydroelectric centre is built close to the Ruisseau Noir and takes over distribution of electricity. |
1915 5 mars |
Founding of the Municipalité de Lac-Tremblant-Nord |
1917 23 juin |
Part of the population of the Municipalité des Cantons Unis de Salaberry et Grandison splits away to create the Municipalité du Village de Saint-Jovite |
1931 | Gatineau Power company takes control of the distribution of electricity in the region. |
1937 | At the summit of Mont Tremblant, Joseph Bondurant Ryan has a wonderful idea. He wants to make it a major ski resort, the biggest in North America. |
1938 | Joseph Bondurant Ryan becomes the first owner of MontTremblant Resort, called at the time Mont Tremblant Lodge. |
1939 12 février |
Joseph Bondurant Ryan and his wife Mary Ryan launch the first Chair ski lift - 4,200 feet of cable (250 skiers an hour) - for six runs and the opening of the chic Mountain Lodge. |
1940 17 mai |
Founding of the Municipalité de Mont-Tremblant |
1963 | Nationalisation of electricity by Hydro-Québec |
1965 | Widowed in 1950, Mary Ryan sells Mont Tremblant Resort to a group of Montreal financiers. |
1979 | Mont Tremblant Resort is held by the Fédération des caisses d'entraide économique du Québec. |
1982 | The management firm La Société de gestion Promodev acquires Mont Tremblant Resort. |
1991 | Acquisition of Mont Tremblant Resort by Intrawest, a limited partnership real estate development company. |
2000 22 novembre |
Founding of the Ville de Mont-Tremblant through the merger of four municipalities: Municipalité de Lac-Tremblant-Nord, Municipalité de Mont-Tremblant, Municipalité de la Paroisse de Saint-Jovite and Ville de Saint-Jovite. |
2003 | The government of Quebec, under the Liberal party, allows citizens of Quebec's merged municipalities to resort to a referendum to be heard concerning the merger. |
2004 | Only the citizens of the former Municipalité de Lac-Tremblant-Nord decided to reconstitute their former territory. The reconstitution was effective from January 1, 2006. |
2006 (août) |
La Société en commandite Intrawest vend Station Mont Tremblant à Fortress Investment Groupe LCC de New-York. Intrawest is bought by Fortress Investment Group LCC of New York. |
2006 31 août |
Inauguration of Municipal Court |
2007 27 juin |
Inauguration of the ruisseau Clair walkway (passerelle du ruisseau Clair) |
2008 31 mars |
Inauguration of Municipal garage |
2008 18 octobre |
Inauguration of bridge Jackrabbit The Jackrabbit bridge was named in honnor of mister Herman Smith « Jackrabbit » Johannsen. Located 500 meters upstream montée Ryan (Beauvallon bridge) and is accessible from la Villageoise-de-Mont-Tremblant (trail) |
2009 août |
The first cohort at the Centre collegial de Mont-Tremblant |
2010 2 septembre |
Inauguration of the soccer field at the park de Nos-Étoiles |
2010 | Announcement of a sports ground (soccer, football, athletic) artificial turf |
2011 27 octobre |
Unveiling of a plaque in honor of the athlete Jasey-Jay Anderson gold medalist at the Vancouver Olympics 2010. The plaque is located in the park that bears the name of the athlete, at the corner of Labelle Street and Saint-Jovite. |
2012 5 septembre |
Inauguration of the City Hall |
2016 20 août |
Inauguration of Aquatic Complex Mont-Tremblant |