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Notice to Lobbyists

In accordance with the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act (CQLR c T-11.011), no consultant lobbyist, enterprise lobbyist or organization lobbyist may communicate with a representative of the City (Council member, municipal employee or civil servant, or agent of the municipality) for the purpose of influencing a decision.

This applies to:

  • the development, introduction, amendment or defeat of any legislative or regulatory proposal, resolution, policy, program or action plan;
  • the issue of any permit, licence, certificate or other authorization;
  • the awarding of any contract, otherwise than by way of a call for public tenders, or of any grant or other financial benefit or the granting of any other form of benefit determined by government regulation;
  • unless the lobbyist is enrolled in the register of lobbyists and the registration reflects the lobbying activities conducted by the lobbyist with respect to the City representative.

As examples, and without limitation, the following constitute lobbying:

  • Contacting an elected official or a civil servant to request a zoning change;
  • Presenting a request for a minor variance to the Advisory Committee;
  • Requesting the adoption of a resolution approving a municipal works contract (agreement with a developer);
  • Attempting to convince an elected official or a civil servant to purchase a good or service;
  • Agreeing with a third party to meet with a City representative.

However, lobbying does not include the simple submission, on the prescribed form, of a request for a permit, certificate or authorization when the decision regarding the request results from the application of the municipal by-laws by a municipal civil servant.

If you're not sure whether the Act applies to a particular situation, we strongly recommend contacting the Lobbyists Commissioner at the address given on their website.

